Why My School ROCKS!
Latest Contest Winner 2014

Why My School Rocks Contest Winners & Honorable Mentions

Students (14-19 yrs old) were asked to choose from one of five hot topics that we've gathered over the years from our "Your Point of View" student contests. Students wrote essays based on one of the hot topics below, and told us what successful program is currently working in their school that makes their high school experience more valuable to them. A short video synopsis of each essay accompanied all submissions.

These well-written essays and creative videos described unique school programs and clubs that are working with students to help make the educational experience more valuable for them. These submissions exhibited a genuine concern on the issues within our Education System and provided successful solutions that could be implemented in other schools nationwide.

CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of our "Why My School ROCKS" contest! We hope you enjoy and remember that students have the power to make real positive change!

  • Lack of career-related courses
  • Bullying / Meanness
  • Lack of curriculum
  • Use of technology in schools
  • Lack of college preparation

2014 Why My School ROCKS Winners

Lindsay C.

Title: Technology in Our Schools
Topic: Use of Technology in Schools
Location: Florida


There is a common misconception that the technology of our age both stunts the growth of, and undermines the need for, the development of personal relationships. After witnessing the effect that technology has had on my classmates and I, I have to disagree. As Carly Fiorina once put it, "Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social systems."...

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Lauren D.

Title: Raider Buddies Rock!
Topic: Bullying / Meanness
Location: Florida


Bullying and meanness have become what seem like an epidemic in recent years. In today’s society, our differences can sometimes be considered flaws. Fortunately, this is not the case at my high school. In response to these hostile acts, the school implemented two very unique and uplifting programs that benefit students and faculty alike. The Raider Buddy Club and the Sparkle Effect program break the barrier between two groups of students who otherwise may experience the harsh effects of bullying and meanness...

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Jean F.

Title: My School Rocks!
Topic: Lack of curriculum OR career-related course
Location: New York


Dover High School is a small school with approximately one hundred students per grade. Normally, small schools are known for limiting the opportunities to their students in choices of classes because of the lack of students wanting to take the class or the school not having enough staff to teach the subject. My school does a spectacular job of allowing the students a chance to take courses that are offered from an institution of higher learning, in order to avoid a student having to pay money for the same course at an actual institution...

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Why My School ROCKS

Energize Students' Contest Winners
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